New Development

  • Branch Settings-> Signature Upload Functionality->Upload signature for invoice and receipt.
  • Read Only access of Branch-> If branch is inactive and user still want to see the previous data then company admin can able to see them.
  • Company Setting->SMS-> Add Fields-> Auto Birthday Reminder/Auto Anniversary Reminder/Auto EyeCheckup Reminder ->SMS will automatically sent on day of birthday/ anniversary day and 7 day before eyecheckup when these tick box are tick respectively.
  • Company Setting->Email-> Add Fields-> Auto Birthday Reminder/Auto Anniversary Reminder/Auto EyeCheckup Reminder ->Email will automatically sent on day of birthday/ anniversary day and 7 day before eyecheckup when these tick box are tick respectively.
  • Branch Setting->WhatsApp-> Add Fields-> Auto Birthday Reminder/Auto Anniversary Reminder/Auto EyeCheckup Reminder ->WhatsApp will automatically sent on day of birthday/ anniversary day and 7 day before eyecheckup when these tick box are tick respectively.

New Development

  • Purchase Inward-> Import Functionality-> Add three tick box for edit Price/Cost/MRP while import.
  • CaseHistory-> Treatment Page->Add Plus button besides AppointmentNo textbox for add daily appointments.
  • Invoice-> Edit->Edit Price of Item for Company Admin.

New Development

  • Variation -> Cancel Variation Functionality.

New Development

  • WhatsApp -> WhatsApp messaging functionality.
  • Company Setting -> Add WhatsApp fields.
  • Utility -> Add WhatsApp Template List.
  • PurchaseInvoice-> Add FromDate and ToDate Filter.

New Development

  • Company Setting -> Add Field->Delivery Date days.
  • Company Settings -> Add field->Is Add Price and MRP On Transfer.
  • Transfer Issue/Transfer Receive -> View -> Add Price and MRP.
  • Import File -> Add Options for edit Price ,MRP and Cost while import.
  • Reports -> MIS Sales Order wise report-> Add field->Lens Coat and Index.
  • Reports -> GST_Purchase Report->Add field-> SalesOrderNo.
  • Purchase Invoice -> Print Purchase Invoices

New Development

  • Customer Reward Points Functionality.


  • CLCP Master -> Add Pack size in Title.
  • Reports->MIS SalesOrderWise/SalesOrder-> Add 'CreatedDate' Field.
  • Reports->Daily Summary-> Add FromDate and ToDate while export.
  • SalesOrderList-> Add Delivery Date time Field.
  • Transfer Issue and Transfer Receive List-> Add 'Remarks' Field.

New Development

  • Role-> Add New Role 'Company Manager'.Company Manager have that same rights which warehouse have.
  • Branch Settings->Add Field->AllowCompanyManagerToEditSalesOrder / AllowCompanyManagerToEditReceipt / AllowCompanyManagerToViewCash / BankBalanceLedger / MaxCompanyManagerDiscountPercentage(%)
  • Company Settings->Add Field-> AllowCompanyManagerToCancelOrder / RestrictIPForCompanyManager

New Development

  • Customer -> Now you can mark customer as black list.
  • Branch Settings -> Added two fields AllowStoreManagerToEditPurchaseOrder/AllowStoreManagerToViewPurchaseOrder/AllowUserToEditPurchaseOrder/AllowUserToViewPurchaseOrder respectively.
  • Purchase Order -> Edit and View restricted for User and Store-Manager.


  • Reports -> Pending Order -> Add SR Name in result.
  • Dashboard -> Added Date while export.
  • Reports -> Accounts/Invoices/GST Purchase/WebClient-GST/WebClient-Sales/WebClient-Stock/CollectionReport - Accessible to Company Admin Only

New Development

  • SalesOrder/PurchaseOrder/OpeningStock/StockVariation -> Added Item Type dropdown while adding item.
  • Sales Order List -> Added From Date and To Date filters like invoice.
  • Branch Settings -> Added Deliver Time field to set default deliver time.
  • Price Change Utility -> Added discount field for cost.
  • Lab Order -> Added Material/Modality/LensColor fields in Lab Order Email while contact lens is in order.
  • Quick Sale -> Added title field in customer detail section.
  • Membership -> Added membership for customer detail page and QuickSale.
  • Branch Settings -> Added two new settings -> Allow Store Manager To Edit SalesOrder and Allow Store Manager To Edit Receipt.
  • Sales Order List -> Added two new fields Total Receipt Amount/Balance Amount
  • Sales Order List -> Actions -> Added two more actions Add Notes & View Power Details respectively.


  • Sales Order List-> View Status History Action -> Will show all notes including status history and manually added notes.

New Development

  • Clear Filter Button for Clear cookies in all transaction List.
  • Full Application Mobile Friendly
  • Transfer Issue/Transfer Receive->Add Field-> Add Accepted/Rejected Date with Time
  • Sales Order-> Add Delivery Mode. Also shown in Sales Order List.
  • Supplier-> Add Field -> Is Fitter/If Supplier is Fitter then lab Order email is also sent to the fitter.
  • Branch-> Add Field -> IsSendLabOrderEmailToFitter / If This field is true then system will send email to the fitter otherwise not.

New Development

  • Company Settings-> Add Two fields-> Max Store Manager Discount/Max Warehouse Manager Discount, so Store and Warehouse Manager can not give discount greatedr then their max limit.
  • Brand Wise Disccount-> When you select Item automatically bride wise discount will apply .
  • All transaction List Apply Cookie clear filter button for clear cookie.
  • Purchase Return Allow to change the GST Manually
  • Purchase Payment-> Add Cancel Purchase Payment Functionality.
  • Company Settings-> Add Four fields-> AllowStoreManagerToGenerateFutureDateOrder/AllowStoreManagerToGeneratePasrDateOrder/AllowStoreManagerToGenerateFutureDateReceipt/AllowStoreManagerToGeneratePastDateReceipt
  • Purchase Invoice -> Apply Gross Discount Amount and Gross Discount Rate.

New Development

  • All PDF View Open in Popup.
  • Company Profile -> Add API Key field.
  • Reports-> In Daily Summary Report/Collection Report Add Field Reference No and Receipt Date.
  • Opening Stock-> Import Opening stock ItemType wise.
  • Company Settings-> Add Field ->Show Shortcuts Name On Dashboard .which means if its true then Dashboard shortcuts show with Name.
  • Add new Master Customer Category.
  • All Masters(Frame/SunGlass/SPL/CL/CLCP/Accessories) can inActive multiple Items by using 'InActive' button on top of the list.
  • Add new Master Customer Category.
  • Now you can do Payment of Opening Balance.
  • add Customer GST No in Quick Sale/SalesOrder.
  • Reports-> Add report MIS SalesOrder/Lab Report.
  • add User Role beside the username.
  • Notification ->Eye Check up Recall Reminder list,you can notify them via SMS Also.


  • Branch Setting and Company Setting are combine in one Page which name is Settings.
  • Reports-> In SCL and SPL report there is option for add power details.
  • Lab Order is visible in Purchase order listing.
  • Stock list-> Add Branch Name.
  • Customer List-> Add field->Customer Category/Customer Source.

New Development

  • In All Prescription Add Three buttons "Copy All To Left","Copy Power To Left","Copy Lens To Lens" Which Means 'Copy all data of right to left','Copy all power details to left','Copy all Lens details to left ' respectively.
  • In All Contact Lens Prescription add K1 and K2 Field for LEFT anf RIGHT eyes.


  • Quick Sale-> Add Remarks For the Prescription.
  • Deposit -> Now You can deposit your Balance to Bank with Different deposit Types.

New Development

  • Branch Settings-> Put four filter AllowWHManagerToViewCashBankBalanceLedger / AllowUserToViewCashBankBalaceLedger / Receipt Print Format / Invoice Print Format
  • Branch Settings-> Allow Generate Invoice Before Full Payment
  • Print - Prescription
  • Print - Receipt & Invoice - 80mm Thermal

New Development

  • Purchase Return and Sales Return Add Button for add Item


  • Purchase Return And Sales Return add Reference No and ReferenceDate.
  • Migrate All Reports to HTML
  • Branch Filter in all reports as per User Branch Access
  • Purchase Invoice / Sales Invoice ->Allow Only Company Admin->Allow to Edit Date/SupplierInvoiceNo/Remarks and any Other Date // affect in Customer and Supplier Ledger change only date if date is change

New Development

  • Configuration ->Add Field-> Add Power Detail in Spectacle Lens/ Contact Lens.
  • Receipt ->Add Field-> Show Total Order Amount/Total Receipt/Total Discount Amount.
  • Add New Quick Sale Wizard for Spectacle Lens.
  • Lab Order-> Easy Print.
  • Purchase Invoice List->Add Purchase Inward No.
  • Purchase Inward->Add Status field/ Status should be New/Cancelled/Invoiced.
  • Implementation of IGST.
  • Price Change Utility-> MRP and Price Wise Filter.
  • Purchase Inward-> Allow edit Qty in Inward items.


  • Lab Order Email->Add Field Diameter and Frame Type .
  • Lab Order Email->Remove Total Height.

New Development

  • Quick Sale -> Add new Frame / SunGlass / Spectacle Lens / Contact Lens / CLCP & Accessories
  • New Role -> "Store Manager" -> Store Manager has more rights then a user and less rights than Warehouse Manager
  • Charges -> Can add charges like Fitting / Repairing / Courier

New Development

  • Reports->Item Wise Sales->Add Accessories Report
  • Reports->Daily Collection Report


  • Purchase Order-> Remove Add Items buttons from Detail page and put tab view for add items.

New Development

  • Purchase Inward-> Now you can cancel Purchase inward.
  • Configuration Setting-> Add field "Unregistered Firm". If this check box is checked then "Un Registered Firm" Text display in Invoice view.


  • Customer-> Ignore duplicate mobile number while sending bulk message

New Development

  • Scheme -> Configure scheme with item type wise discount. E.g. : Frame Discount - 20 %, Sunglass Discount - 30 %, Spectacle Lens Discount - 50%


  • Receipt Edit -> Allow to edit receipt for amount

New Development

  • Receipt -> Print remarks on receipt
  • Customer -> Add New Export Type Customer-> Customer With SPL_New with New Fields like ItemName,Code,LensType,LensCoat ,Spectacle LensType .
  • Reports -> Item Type Wise Sales ->Spectacle Lens NEW. It contains new fields like Lens Type, Brand and Lens Coat.
  • Reports -> Account-> Profit & Loss. It shows profit or loss Item type wise for the selected period and branch.
  • Reports -> Web Client - GST / Web Client - Sales / Web Client - Stock


  • Advance Search -> Now there are three option for search the customers -> 1) Visit date 2) Customer orders and 3) Customer invoice

New Development

  • Customer List -> Export -> Customer data export with with Spectacle Lens prescription and Contact Lens prescription respectively


  • Advance Search -> Now there are three option for search the customers -> 1) Visit date 2) Customer orders and 3) Customer invoice
  • Version PopUp -> Put YouTube videos for clear cookie.

New Development

  • Static IP Restriction to access the application
  • Receipt edit rights for Managers
  • Customer Credit Note
  • Supplier Debit Note
  • Customer Ledger
  • Supplier Ledger
  • Receipt Ledger -> Include Remarks & Reference No in Description
  • Customer eye check-up recall

New Development

  • Include branch wise feedback link in SMS & Email
  • Include Sales Order No in SMS & Email
  • Include Sales Invoice No in Invoice SMS & Email

New Development

  • Send receipt email to customers
  • Print barcode stickers from the web
  • Show SMS balance on Dashboard
  • Opening stock import with duplicates rows
  • Purchase inward import with duplicates rows


  • Sales Order Edit - update order prescription and insert new prescription
  • Purchase Inward - import Contact Lens Care Products
  • Receipt - Show Total Savings & MRP if under composition scheme
  • Invoice - Show Total Savings & MRP if under composition scheme

New Development

  • Dashboard - Rights for Warehouse Manager & User to access month & year data


  • Stock Variation - Only admin can upload
  • All Transactions - Default sort order changed
  • External Receipt - Highlight order number
  • Internal Receipt - Highlight delivery date
  • Invoice List - Arrange date range control

New Development

  • In Branch setting one field added "Send Invoice Email To Customer". If this field is checked, email with Invoice PDF as an attachment will be sent to Customer.


  • Lab Order - Redesign

New Development

  • In Sales Order List when you change the order status to "Cancelled", It will have option to select cancelation reason.


  • Lab Order - Right Lens details first

New Development

  • In Branch Level add "Show AddSunGlass On QuickSale",When "Show AddSunGlass On QuickSale" checkbox is tick then "Add SunGlass" Button is visible in Quick Sale.

New Development

  • Print - A5 Invoice / A5 Receipt / A5 Internal Receipt

New Development

  • Apply Gross Discount in total of TotalDiscount will be effect on all items which are in list.
  • Purchase Order List Add SalesOrderNo in List.
  • In Purchase Order List add functionality to send Lab Order email to Supplier which email is not send when PurchaseOrder is authenticate.


  • Supplier Gtin Name Change to GSTNo.
  • Purchase Inward List "Purchase Inward" name change to "Add New".
  • Purchase Order "Receive Date" Name Change to "Expected Date".
  • Purchase Order "Transport" field is now optional.
  • Purchase Order TaxType Dropdown only contain active tax and default tax should be selected from the Configuration settings.

New Development

  • In Branch Level add Three settings "Show AddFrame On QuickSale","Show AddLens On QuickSale" and "Default Zero Receipt Amount For QuickSale",When "Show AddFrame On QuickSale" checkbox is tick then "Add Frame" Button is visible in Quick Sale and when "Show AddLens On QuickSale" checkbox is tick then "Add Lens" Button is visible in Quick Sale and when "Default Zero Receipt Amount For QuickSale" checkbox is tick then default Receipt Amount is Zero in Quick Sale.
  • When New Version is deploye Notify to the Client ,Click on "Ok" button and get new Version,You can also see the Release note on Click of "Release Note".


  • In View of Receipt/Invoice now Prescription is come based on Sales Order Prescription.
  • Supplier is mendatory when Spectacle Lens is in Order in QuickSale.
  • In ReceiptType Report Add Customer Name.
  • QuickSale when change SalesOrder Date Receipt date is change.